SDR Practice Exams Book
2021 IBC/2022 CBC & ASCE 7-16 version
The SDR Practice Exams book is now available to order.
This book includes THREE 55 question practice exams intended to simulate the types of problems that may appear on the California Civil CSP (seismic) exam in approximately the number of questions associated with each of the SEVEN content areas of the new CSP Test Plan.
The SDR Practice Exams is divided into the following 5 parts:
Part 1 - Introduction, practice exam recommendations, and CSP exam strategy
Part 2 - Practice Exams #1 (55 questions) and Solutions
Part 3 - Practice Exams #2 (55 questions) and Solutions
Part 4 - Practice Exams #3 (55 questions) and Solutions
Part 5 - Appendix - CSP Test Plan, and problem type index
The SDR Practice Exams book consists of Sample Exam #1 and #2 from the SDR Workbook - 2018 IBC and ASCE 7-16 version, and the 2023 online CBT sample exam, all updated to the 2021 IBC/2022 CBC.
The SDR Practice Exams book is $75 + CA the sales tax (California orders ONLY) + USPS Priority Mail shipping fee (for all orders).